Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Can You Be Still!!!!!!!

“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

Growing up in a family that loves to hunt you would think that patience was a great virtue of mine. However, my wife would be the first to let you in on my secret….I don’t have any! Not only did I grow up hunting, but also fishing. Both of these activities can be very weary on the soul that isn’t patient.

I learned early on that I was going to have to take something to the deer stand with me to pass time. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the quietness and the stillness of the woods as the sun takes its first peak on the sleeping forest. Even with that being said, when you sit in the same spot for hours on end and it is one of those days where it seems God forgot to wake up the animals, it makes for a long day. There are those days when you are lucky if you even see a bird; or even more lucky if you get to see an old gray squirrel scamper by in search of a snack.

Fisherman out there, you know these days all to well also. Those days when you have thrown everything in your tackle box and still can’t get a bite. It’s those days that test us! The truly devoted will make it to sunset, just to go home empty handed and wait for another day.

But wait…did we go home empty handed. Doesn’t God tell us to “Be still, and know that I am God.”? As I look back on the days of this last deer season, I know that there was never a time that I came home empty handed. Was this God teaching me and telling me to be patient? I try to replay the day’s hunt when I am driving home and replay what I have learned. Almost always, there was something to learn from the hours I spent in the solitude of the tree stand. Sometimes God blesses me with lessons to apply on the next hunt and other times, lessons to take back to my everyday life. Slowly, I am learning to BE STILL!

Try to take something away from the next time God puts you in a place that you have to be still! You will be amazed at what He is trying to teach you!

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